Have you ever attended Cirque du Soleil?
We've been lucky enough to attend a few times: so many performers with so much incredible talent. How do they find these performers, who seem able to do anything? Street buskers want ten bucks to juggle three or four balls, but in CdS there was the guy juggling eight balls, while also shooting them one at a time into a little cup he wore on his head. How? Someone walks across a taut high wire, to great fanfare (in a usual circus), but then a team of CdS performers uses a slack line, swinging it side to side while doing handstands and two-person cartwheels. People train for their entire young lives in figure skating, yet somehow CdS has an entire show full of skaters who can not only do the usual jumps and spins, but also go up and down ramps, do flips, and perform as a team. How is this pool of talent possible? Where do they find these people? It feels like the franchise has figured something out, either a magic way to bring out the best in a group, or creating a space for people with these particular skills to actually make a living.
AuthorHi, I'm Karen. This space is a chance for me to get some of those notebook sessions out there: Motherhood, medicine, writers and writing, the state of the world. Non-published, sometimes non-polished, just a chance to open a discussion. Let me know what you think! Archives
January 2025